Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How To Choose A Dance Studio

When choosing a particular study or method of learning to dance first must answer the following basic questions. Your answers will determine the keys to evaluating a study, and if it is a fit for you.

What is the most important element in the dance?

This question is the most important. If your answer is to learn to dance for fun, fun - keep the economical way to learn to dance.

However, if your answer to this question involves elements of learning to be the best, learn the proper technique, learn to dance for pleasure, but also be "better than the average bear", or possibly in competition - your best decision would be chosen a study in which he felt the particular item was being addressed.

What is the monthly or annual total is willing to spend?

Before making decisions as to which study you must decide for yourself what your annual or monthly budget can afford. Are your budget numbers before looking for a studio - which will be a problem unless you know in advance if you can afford. In addition, it will help to be wise and not get straddled with a payment that is uncomfortable.

Why dance?

Make sure you understand why you like dancing, or at least I want to dance. Only you know the real reason - but as long as you know - this will help you decide where to attend.

For example, some people dance, because it gives them a workout "time with your spouse, a dance, and who love to move to music, a dance because they gain self-confidence of the activities of motor learning, the dance others to meet people, etc. These are just some of the reasons - to determine yours.

Do you need or want the social benefits of belonging to a particular study?

The membership of a particular study, is like having a membership in the Glencar or Winter Club. It is a place where he belongs - to suit your social needs and gives you the benefits you are looking for. Is this something you think you want in your life? Would you like to have a partner? Make sure you know the answer.

Now, armed with YOUR ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS here are some criteria that will help you choose the study that meets your needs of dance:
1. What is the philosophy of the study and their owners?

As to what the basic philosophy of the study. Number one goal is to teach people to dance? Is it to teach people to dance technically correct? Is it to teach people to enjoy dancing and do it properly? Is it to make the study of the owners are either in competition with students who do well? Is it to support professionals competing in the study and ensure that they are moving? Is it like running a profitable business? Is it a combination of the above? All you have to do is ask - and then hear the answer.

LISTEN to hear the answer and then compare the philosophy which states that with the way operations and have the answer to your question of what is the most important element in the dance. Make sure that somewhere in the philosophy of the study to find the determining element was important to you.
2. What services are available?

What different types of lessons are available - private, group, practice sessions, 10 weeks of specialized courses, training classes, floor time for individual practice? What other services are provided - information on shoes, clothing competition, information on dance organizations in the city, outside functions, social dances, etc.

What special activities is the study of planning to participate in? Does the study take part regularly in competitions?

Again, see how the response to this question coincides with the reasons for the dance and the social aspects that seeks to accomplish in your life.
3. What level of training or conduct of the owners have made and the teachers?

This is a critical question or unwilling to compete. Ensure that the individuals who are teaching who have the skills that improve their competitive edge dance.

Have a story about the training of the instructors, ask about their own personal achievements in dance. A key here is that the ability to teach someone is not inherent to a good dancer. The top competing couples are not all equal when it comes to teaching others. Winning competitions does not make you a better coach dance than someone who is an expert in Education and Teaching skills to others.

Ask for some information about the teaching method used in the study. Ask about the policy regarding acceptance of the foreign coaches - especially check on the fee for these lessons. Beware that when he quoted a price of a coach from outside also know whether it is also a charge for a particular class or not. It makes a difference in the amount of money budget. Ask about whether or not to participate in training sessions for their own improvement.

If competition is a primary objective of his dancing - check out the study's ability to provide choreography. Especially critical to a routine well done is often the movements and the transition between steps. Not all individuals are equally able or have the ability to offer creative choreography GOOD.

Calgary is blessed with some exceptional teachers and choreographers some good. To find the two elements in one person is rare, but in my opinion, can be found here in our own city.
4. What is the atmosphere and environment of the study?

Is the physical environment of study acceptable to you? Do you like dancing? Do you relax, tranquility, and yet attract your feet moving?

Sit back and enjoy the start of the study, look around the surroundings and observe the "atmosphere" of the study. Make sure you feel good when you're there.

Do the owners / teachers make you feel comfortable and welcome in a consistent manner? Are students receiving the same treatment - so fair? Is everyone, regardless of size or shape, or age or color treated equally by the entire management? See for yourself - what matters in the long term.

Another problem, the owners of promoting a good attitude towards all the other studies? Are they compatible with the dance community as a whole?

The election of any person to attend classes or participate in other functions should not mean that the individual should be treated differently to anyone else. People are still people - no matter where they work or where they choose to take dance training. courteous treatment of all people, the recognition that you know someone, saying "hello" is not a form of treason or disloyalty to his own studio - it is common courtesy people. What is the attitude of the studio you attend?
5. What about the student body and feelings about the study?

Are people happy with the service we received from the study? Did they get what they promised? Are you happy with how they treated? Do you think they are getting their money's worth?

Is there too much pressure applied to students - Does everyone have to compete to be "special" at school? Is there ever a push for students to spend more money? These pressures can make it uncomfortable.

The saying - You can not please all the people all the time - is very true. If a student has a complaint, you must deal with management, if management is willing to listen and try to address both the issue or explain to students why the policy exists. If you have a complaint, make sure the owners will give a fair chance and before discussing the complaint with others - to know and see if you can solve the problem for you. This will give you two hits - is that you have taken the issue with someone who can bring change and secondly, if any other student in the study have the same feelings, maybe the owners can help them too.

Most importantly, however, is that students feel welcome in the studio, they feel as if they were a part of the study and can contribute positively to the experience of others who have decided to participate in the study.
6. Fees for Services

The last question to be answered is what are the fees. How much does it cost to make the amount of dance that I would do in the month or year?

All you have to do is ask ... studio owners will give this information. Ensure that prices are equal for all. Are there special offers? Be careful if the price information varies from student to student - application of the criteria used. What determines the special circumstances? In particular, make sure you fully understand exactly what lessons are included in the prices quoted.

More than six questions are simple - but you need to get an answer for yourself. Never decide which studio to attend based on criteria of another person - you know what you want and then go shopping. The best advice I can give is to make sure you're aware of what is important to you, exactly what you're looking for, then go look. Try them all until you find a place where you feel happy and their needs are being met. Never forget that you, the student is the customer - you have the right to choose.

Personally, dancing is a pleasure - it relaxes me and allows me to disappear from the stresses of everyday life for a few hours to a place of serenity and joy. For me, a study should be a place that gives me the opportunity to learn, to improve my dancing, and make new friends in life - all this and I can be fun, too!

Fall In Love with Square Dancing

No doubt you have seen some form of square dancing and I found it fascinating to watch, to say the least. There are a few widely recognized forms of square dancing. Traditional dance and the modern square dance Square West.

Both forms are considered a popular dance and the name comes from couples who are organized in the form of a square. If you are excited, it should be. Square dancing creates a synergy between the two people in couples and groups of couples forming a square. The basic steps are not difficult to learn, although some people have a bit of a challenge to keep up with all couples.

One of the nicest aspects of square dancing is that you do not have to decide what step to do next. This is because the dance movements are clearly called for everyone to hear. Put these calls in the context of the music is playing and you're falling in love with the creation of square dancing for the first time or again and again.

If you are someone who appreciates tradition in their dance square dancing is for you. The concept of square dancing is based in one step is equivalent to an account and charges only four or as many as 32 charges on a call. This type of variety is very exciting for the dancers who have to listen carefully because you never know what to expect. This also keeps the dance interesting and never boring, to say the least. Ready for a little more excitement into the mix? There are some differences between the two types of square dancing when it comes to calls.

A type may require you to "Doe-see-doe" your partner to the right while the other style can make turning left. This means that it is worth knowing where you are and what kind of dance is used and recognized in that area. You will enjoy every call further and be able to keep up with your partner and other couples with ease.

What makes many people excited is the rhythm of many different types of music that is played for square dance. Country, Irish music and Western music take place and are held regularly for square dancing. Some refer to this type of music and melodies of yesteryear, combining the delicious sounds of the music of yesteryear in the place you can dance beats.

If you've never tried square dancing, you owe it to yourself to get on the dance floor with a partner and enjoy a basic experience to get an idea of how it goes. Are you sure you fall in love with this form of dance that allows her to the ground and receive calls from the excellent speaker on how to swing your partner next door. No special skills you have to enter the square dance, only the desire to learn and time to invest in this lovely dance form.

Enjoying Tap Dancing Magic

You may already have a lot of wonderful memories when it comes to tap dancing. There is something about seeing the magic that happens when your feet begin to take that literally takes your breath away. From the moment you draw an audience to the ground, where some of the most amazing melodies feet are created for the tap or stomp past performance, we are often glued to the screen or the individual on stage.

Tap dance has been a pleasant pastime for many people for years. Children who admire creative touch have often tried to emulate their shoes also home versions with pins inserted into the bottom of the toes of his shoes. Although this is not a safe practice for many types of shoes with thick soles types, it has given children the opportunity to create their own magic tap on sidewalks, in the basement and sometimes to the chagrin of their parents, nicely finished wooden floors in their homes.

Tap dancing like Savion Glover large, Gregory Hines, Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly have given us time and again results have applauded with standing ovations. In cinemas that we have returned again and again to see their exploits in disbelief and see more about that have defied what appears to be the logic of gravity with their movements.

Remember the first time you saw an excellent performance tap? Maybe you were a child and find keys in the performance. If so, then it is very likely to look with eyes of stars and wondered how they made it seem as if they were dancing in the air. It was a wonder to behold only to see the dance from one stage to another and back without missing a beat. And if they were lucky, the audience stood, clapped and cheered so long that the dancers back on stage and act anew. So if you were lucky.

Tap dancing is now considered one of the most interesting forms of dance in existence. People of all ages and sizes can participate in this dance form that lets you start with the simplest of movements of the feet. A toe tapping delight for those who like to get into it, tap dancing can take you to the next level with the feats that require significant practice to carry out.

There is no doubt that there is something about the professional dancer comes in front of a crowd to perform and that he or she is enjoying what they do. Of young, talented artists of the moment, as a singer and artist Mya to the great of yesteryear, the smile on the face and rhythm in your feet makes you want to get in the act and enjoy.